I joined Heidelberg University in April 2021 and established the group Scientific Computing and Optimization (SCOOP) at the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR).
You can find my CV here.
Research interests
My research interests include
- optimal control of partial differential equations
- large-scale optimization and its applications
- numerical linear algebra
- optimal experimental design
- optimization on manifolds
- numerical methods for partial differential equations
Recent teaching
2024 WSGrundlagen der Optimierung (Lecture)
2024 WSInfinite-Dimensional Optimization (Lecture)
2024 WSMathematical Machine Learning (Seminar)
2024 SSLineare Algebra II (Lecture)
2024 SSMathematical Machine Learning (Seminar)
2024 SSSelected Topics in Optimization (Seminar)
2023 WSLineare Algebra I (Lecture)
2023 WSMathematical Machine Learning (Seminar)
2023 SSAusgewählte Kapitel der Optimierung (Seminar)
2023 SSDiscrete Differential Geometry (Seminar)
2023 SSMathematical Machine Learning (Seminar)
2023 SSNonlinear Optimization (Lecture)
2023 SSSoftware Praktikum (Software practical)
2022 WSGrundlagen der Optimierung (Lecture)
2022 WSIntroduction to Optimization (Short course)
2022 WSMathematical Machine Learning (Seminar)
2022 WSWeiterführende Themen der Numerik (Seminar)
2022 SSAusgewählte Kapitel der Optimierung (Seminar)
2022 SSEinführung in die Numerik (Lecture)
Recent events organized
2025-09-01 -- 2025-09-05 European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH)
2025-02-22 -- 2025-03-01 Heidelberg Seminar on Optimal Control
2024-02-24 -- 2024-03-02 Heidelberg Seminar on Optimal Control
2023-09-25 -- 2023-09-27 European Conference on Computational Optimization (EUCCO)
2023-02-25 -- 2023-03-04 Heidelberg Seminar on Optimal Control
Currently supervising
M.Sc. Thesis of
Optimization of Battery Storage Systems in Power Markets using Reinforcement LearningM.Sc. Physik, Heidelberg UniversitySupervision: Ullrich Köthe, Roland Herzog and Viktor Martinek(mit Statkraft)
M.Sc. Thesis of
Trajectory Reconstruction in Single-Cell Expression Data via Score Estimation with Normalizing FlowsM.Sc. Mathematik, Heidelberg UniversitySupervision: Evelyn Herberg, Simon Anders and Roland Herzog
M.Sc. Thesis of
Inverse Reinforcement LearningM.Sc. Scientific Computing, Heidelberg UniversitySupervision: Roland Herzog, Georgia Koppe and Viktor Martinek
B.Sc. Thesis of
Sorting by Linear ProgrammingB.Sc. Mathematik, Heidelberg UniversitySupervision: Roland Herzog and Georg Müller
B.Sc. Thesis of
Invexe OptimierungB.Sc. MathematikSupervision: Roland Herzog and Evelyn Herberg
B.Sc. Thesis of
Lineare Kleinste-Quadrate-Aufgaben mit mehreren ModellenB.Sc. Mathematik, Heidelberg UniversitySupervision: Roland Herzog and Georg Müller
B.Sc. Thesis of
A Regularized Newton MethodB.Sc. Informatik, Heidelberg UniversitySupervision: Roland Herzog and Georg Müller
B.Sc. Thesis of
Structural Optimization using Linear Programming50% B.Sc. Mathematik, Heidelberg UniversitySupervision: Roland Herzog and Georg Müller
Latest publications
Entropy scaling of viscosity IV---application to 124 industrially important fluidsJournal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2025
@ARTICLE{MartinekBellHerzogRichterYang:2025:1, AUTHOR = {Martinek, Viktor and Bell, Ian and Herzog, Roland and Richter, Markus and Yang, Xiaoxian}, PUBLISHER = {American Chemical Society (ACS)}, DATE = {2025-01}, DOI = {10.1021/acs.jced.4c00451}, JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of Chemical \& Engineering Data}, TITLE = {Entropy scaling of viscosity IV---application to 124 industrially important fluids}, }
Two models for surface segmentation using the total variation of the normal vector,
@ONLINE{BaumgaertnerBergmannHerzogSchmidtWeiss:2024:1, AUTHOR = {Baumgärtner, Lukas and Bergmann, Ronny and Herzog, Roland and Schmidt, Stephan and Weiß, Manuel}, DATE = {2024-12}, EPRINT = {2412.00445}, EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv}, TITLE = {Two models for surface segmentation using the total variation of the normal vector}, }
Uncertainty propagation of initial conditions in thermal modelsInternational Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics 25(6), p.475-488, 2024
@ARTICLE{BuengerHerzogNaumannStoll:2024:1, AUTHOR = {Bünger, Alexandra and Herzog, Roland and Naumann, Andreas and Stoll, Martin}, PUBLISHER = {Informa UK Limited}, DATE = {2024-10}, DOI = {10.1080/15502287.2024.2408291}, EPRINT = {2306.12736}, EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv}, JOURNALTITLE = {International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {475--488}, TITLE = {Uncertainty propagation of initial conditions in thermal models}, VOLUME = {25}, }
Tractable optimal experimental design using transport mapsInverse Problems 40(12), 2024
@ARTICLE{KovalHerzogScheichl:2024:2, AUTHOR = {Koval, Karina and Herzog, Roland and Scheichl, Robert}, PUBLISHER = {IOP Publishing}, DATE = {2024-10}, DOI = {10.1088/1361-6420/ad8260}, EPRINT = {2401.07971}, EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv}, JOURNALTITLE = {Inverse Problems}, NUMBER = {12}, PAGES = {125002}, TITLE = {Tractable optimal experimental design using transport maps}, VOLUME = {40}, }
Nonlinear Fenchel conjugates,
@ONLINE{SchielaHerzogBergmann:2024:1, AUTHOR = {Schiela, Anton and Herzog, Roland and Bergmann, Ronny}, DATE = {2024-09}, EPRINT = {2409.04492}, EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv}, TITLE = {Nonlinear Fenchel conjugates}, }
Shape constraints in symbolic regression using penalized least squares,
@ONLINE{MartinekReuterFrotscherMostaghimRichterHerzog:2024:1, AUTHOR = {Martinek, Viktor and Reuter, Julia and Frotscher, Ophelia and Mostaghim, Sanaz and Richter, Markus and Herzog, Roland}, DATE = {2024-05}, EPRINT = {2405.20800}, EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv}, TITLE = {Shape constraints in symbolic regression using penalized least squares}, }
The Riemannian convex bundle method,
@ONLINE{BergmannHerzogJasa:2024:1, AUTHOR = {Bergmann, Ronny and Herzog, Roland and Jasa, Hajg}, DATE = {2024-02}, EPRINT = {2402.13670}, EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv}, TITLE = {The Riemannian convex bundle method}, }
Unit-aware genetic programming for the development of empirical equationsParallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVIII, p.168-183, 2024
@INPROCEEDINGS{ReuterMartinekHerzogMostaghim:2024:2, AUTHOR = {Reuter, Julia and Martinek, Viktor and Herzog, Roland and Mostaghim, Sanaz}, PUBLISHER = {Springer Nature Switzerland}, BOOKTITLE = {Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XVIII}, DATE = {2024}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-031-70055-2_11}, EPRINT = {2405.18896}, EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv}, PAGES = {168--183}, TITLE = {Unit-aware genetic programming for the development of empirical equations}, }