Current Group Member

I joined Heidelberg University in April 2021 and established the group Scientific Computing and Optimization (SCOOP) at the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR).

You can find my CV here.

Research interests

My research interests include

  • optimal control of partial differential equations
  • large-scale optimization and its applications
  • numerical linear algebra
  • optimal experimental design
  • optimization on manifolds
  • numerical methods for partial differential equations

Recent Teaching

Currently Supervising

  • M.Sc. Thesis of Julius Meyer Ohlendorf:
    Optimization of Battery Storage Systems in Power Markets using Reinforcement Learning
    M.Sc. Physik, Heidelberg University
    Supervision: Ullrich Köthe, Roland Herzog and Viktor Martinek
    (mit Statkraft)
  • M.Sc. Thesis of Viktor Stein:
    Trajectory Reconstruction in Single-Cell Expression Data via Score Estimation with Normalizing Flows
    M.Sc. Mathematik, Heidelberg University
    Supervision: Evelyn Herberg, Simon Anders and Roland Herzog
  • M.Sc. Thesis of Jeanine Wippermann:
    Inverse Reinforcement Learning
    M.Sc. Scientific Computing, Heidelberg University
    Supervision: Roland Herzog, Georgia Koppe and Viktor Martinek
  • B.Sc. Thesis of Gero Brunke:
    Sorting by Linear Programming
    B.Sc. Mathematik, Heidelberg University
    Supervision: Roland Herzog and Georg Müller
  • B.Sc. Thesis of Simone Hechler:
    Invexe Optimierung
    B.Sc. Mathematik
    Supervision: Roland Herzog and Evelyn Herberg
  • B.Sc. Thesis of Rebekka Bernard:
    Lineare Kleinste-Quadrate-Aufgaben mit mehreren Modellen
    B.Sc. Mathematik, Heidelberg University
    Supervision: Roland Herzog and Georg Müller
  • B.Sc. Thesis of Jan Müller:
    A Regularized Newton Method
    B.Sc. Informatik, Heidelberg University
    Supervision: Roland Herzog and Georg Müller
  • B.Sc. Thesis of Johannes Kamlage:
    Structural Optimization using Linear Programming
    50% B.Sc. Mathematik, Heidelberg University
    Supervision: Roland Herzog and Georg Müller

Recent Events Organized

Latest Publications

  • Tiangang Cui, Karina Koval, Roland Herzog and Robert Scheichl
    Subspace accelerated measure transport methods for fast and scalable sequential experimental design, with application to photoacoustic imaging, 2025
      AUTHOR = {Cui, Tiangang and Koval, Karina and Herzog, Roland and Scheichl, Robert},
      DATE = {2025-02},
      EPRINT = {2502.20086},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      TITLE = {Subspace accelerated measure transport methods for fast and scalable sequential experimental design, with application to photoacoustic imaging},
  • Lukas Baumgärtner, Ronny Bergmann, Roland Herzog, Stephan Schmidt, José Vidal-Núñez and Manuel Weiß
    Mesh denoising and inpainting using the total variation of the normal and a shape Newton approach
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 47(1), p.A300-A324, 2025
      AUTHOR = {Baumgärtner, Lukas and Bergmann, Ronny and Herzog, Roland and Schmidt, Stephan and Vidal-Núñez, José and Weiß, Manuel},
      PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial \& Applied Mathematics (SIAM)},
      DATE = {2025-01},
      DOI = {10.1137/24m1646121},
      JOURNALTITLE = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
      NUMBER = {1},
      PAGES = {A300--A324},
      TITLE = {Mesh denoising and inpainting using the total variation of the normal and a shape Newton approach},
      VOLUME = {47},
  • Pelin Çiloğlu, Carmen Tretmans, Roland Herzog, Jan-F. Pietschmann and Martin Stoll
    Preconditioning for a Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes model for morphology formation in organic solar cells, 2025
      AUTHOR = {Çiloğlu, Pelin and Tretmans, Carmen and Herzog, Roland and Pietschmann, Jan-F. and Stoll, Martin},
      DATE = {2025-01},
      EPRINT = {2501.11767},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      TITLE = {Preconditioning for a Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes model for morphology formation in organic solar cells},
  • Viktor Martinek, Ian Bell, Roland Herzog, Markus Richter and Xiaoxian Yang
    Entropy scaling of viscosity IV---application to 124 industrially important fluids
    Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2025
      AUTHOR = {Martinek, Viktor and Bell, Ian and Herzog, Roland and Richter, Markus and Yang, Xiaoxian},
      PUBLISHER = {American Chemical Society (ACS)},
      DATE = {2025-01},
      DOI = {10.1021/acs.jced.4c00451},
      JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of Chemical \& Engineering Data},
      TITLE = {Entropy scaling of viscosity IV---application to 124 industrially important fluids},
  • Datenassimilation und optimale Sensorplatzierung
    Thermo-energetische Gestaltung von Werkzeugmaschinen, p.189-197, 2025
      AUTHOR = {Naumann, Andreas and Riedel, Ilka and Herzog, Roland},
      PUBLISHER = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden},
      BOOKTITLE = {Thermo-energetische Gestaltung von Werkzeugmaschinen},
      DATE = {2025},
      DOI = {10.1007/978-3-658-45180-6_12},
      PAGES = {189--197},
      TITLE = {Datenassimilation und optimale Sensorplatzierung},
  • Lukas Baumgärtner, Ronny Bergmann, Roland Herzog, Stephan Schmidt and Manuel Weiß
    Two models for surface segmentation using the total variation of the normal vector, 2024
      AUTHOR = {Baumgärtner, Lukas and Bergmann, Ronny and Herzog, Roland and Schmidt, Stephan and Weiß, Manuel},
      DATE = {2024-12},
      EPRINT = {2412.00445},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      TITLE = {Two models for surface segmentation using the total variation of the normal vector},
  • Alexandra Bünger, Roland Herzog, Andreas Naumann and Martin Stoll
    Uncertainty propagation of initial conditions in thermal models
    International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics 25(6), p.475-488, 2024
      AUTHOR = {Bünger, Alexandra and Herzog, Roland and Naumann, Andreas and Stoll, Martin},
      PUBLISHER = {Informa UK Limited},
      DATE = {2024-10},
      DOI = {10.1080/15502287.2024.2408291},
      EPRINT = {2306.12736},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      JOURNALTITLE = {International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics},
      NUMBER = {6},
      PAGES = {475--488},
      TITLE = {Uncertainty propagation of initial conditions in thermal models},
      VOLUME = {25},
  • Karina Koval, Roland Herzog and Robert Scheichl
    Tractable optimal experimental design using transport maps
    Inverse Problems 40(12), 2024
      AUTHOR = {Koval, Karina and Herzog, Roland and Scheichl, Robert},
      PUBLISHER = {IOP Publishing},
      DATE = {2024-10},
      DOI = {10.1088/1361-6420/ad8260},
      EPRINT = {2401.07971},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      JOURNALTITLE = {Inverse Problems},
      NUMBER = {12},
      PAGES = {125002},
      TITLE = {Tractable optimal experimental design using transport maps},
      VOLUME = {40},

Current and Upcoming Projects

Machine Learning and Optimal Experimental Design for Thermodynamic Property Modeling
Start: 2025-03-01
End: 2028-02-29
Principal Investigators: Roland Herzog, Markus Richter
Staff: Viktor Martinek, Ophelia Frotscher
Funded by: DFG within the Priority Program funding scheme
Part of: Machine Learning in Chemical Engineering (SPP 2331)

Surrogate-Based Prediction of Cycle Fatigue Strength of Rotating Shafts and Process Optimization Using Flexible Kriging Models (dPRO2)
Start: 2024-10-01
End: 2027-09-30
Principal Investigators: Roland Herzog
Collaborators: Thomas Lampke, Lisa Winter, Andreas Schubert
Staff: Hannah Rickmann, Sahib Kaur, Pascale Neubauer
Funded by: DFG within the Package Proposal funding scheme
Part of: Data-Driven Process-Property Models to Predict Cycle Fatigue Strength (PAK 1105)

Phase Field Methods, Parameter Identification and Process Optimization (PoPULAR)
Start: 2023-07-01
End: 2026-06-30
Principal Investigators: Roland Herzog, Martin Stoll, Jan-Frederik Pietschmann
Staff: Pelin Çiloğlu, Carmen Tretmans
Funded by: DFG within the Research Unit funding scheme
Part of: Printed & Stable Organic Photovoltaics from Non-Fullerene Acceptors (FOR 5387)

Multilevel Architectures and Algorithms in Deep Learning
Start: 2023-01-01
End: 2025-12-31
Principal Investigators: Roland Herzog, Anton Schiela
Staff: Leonie Kreis, Frederik Köhne
Funded by: DFG within the Priority Program funding scheme
Part of: Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning (SPP 2298)

Optimal Control and Optimal Experimental Design for MRI and Photoacoustic Imaging (MBAI)
Start: 2022-04-01
End: 2028-03-31
Principal Investigators: Roland Herzog, Robert Scheichl
Staff: Karina Koval
Funded by: Carl Zeiss Foundation within the CZS Breakthroughs funding scheme
Part of: Model-Based AI: Physical Models and Deep Learning for Imaging and Cancer Treatment