Former Group Member

Last Publications

  • Optimal Control of Nonlocal Partial Differential Equations
    Ph.D. thesis, Heidelberg University, 2024
      AUTHOR = {Hashemi, Masoumeh},
      INSTITUTION = {Heidelberg University},
      DATE = {2024-03-27},
      DOI = {10.11588/heidok.00034621},
      TITLE = {Optimal Control of Nonlocal Partial Differential Equations},
      TYPE = {phdthesis},
  • Masoumeh Hashemi, Roland Herzog and Thomas M. Surowiec
    Optimal control of the stationary Kirchhoff equation
    Computational Optimization and Applications 85(2), p.479-508, 2023
      AUTHOR = {Hashemi, Masoumeh and Herzog, Roland and Surowiec, Thomas M.},
      DATE = {2023-03-13},
      DOI = {10.1007/s10589-023-00463-6},
      EPRINT = {2112.01067},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      JOURNALTITLE = {Computational Optimization and Applications},
      NUMBER = {2},
      PAGES = {479--508},
      TITLE = {Optimal control of the stationary Kirchhoff equation},
      VOLUME = {85},

Last Teaching