Last Publications
Optimal Control of Nonlocal Partial Differential EquationsPh.D. thesis, Heidelberg University, 2024
@THESIS{Hashemi:2024:1, AUTHOR = {Hashemi, Masoumeh}, INSTITUTION = {Heidelberg University}, DATE = {2024-03-27}, DOI = {10.11588/heidok.00034621}, TITLE = {Optimal Control of Nonlocal Partial Differential Equations}, TYPE = {phdthesis}, }
Optimal control of the stationary Kirchhoff equationComputational Optimization and Applications 85(2), p.479-508, 2023
@ARTICLE{HashemiHerzogSurowiec:2023:1, AUTHOR = {Hashemi, Masoumeh and Herzog, Roland and Surowiec, Thomas M.}, DATE = {2023-03-13}, DOI = {10.1007/s10589-023-00463-6}, EPRINT = {2112.01067}, EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv}, JOURNALTITLE = {Computational Optimization and Applications}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {479--508}, TITLE = {Optimal control of the stationary Kirchhoff equation}, VOLUME = {85}, }
Last Teaching
2023 WSGrundlagen der Optimierung (Lecture)
2023 SSAusgewählte Kapitel der Optimierung (Seminar)
2023 SSNonlinear Optimization (Lecture)
2022 WSGrundlagen der Optimierung (Lecture)
2022 SSEinführung in die Numerik (Lecture)
2021 WSGrundlagen der Optimierung (Lecture)
2021 SSTopics in Optimization (Seminar)