Event information
This seminars aims at bringing researchers in optimal control and numerical mathematics together for a week of recent research results, collaboration and – most importantly – ample time for in depth discussions. Additionally, snowboarding as well as cross-country and alpine skiing is available (or can be learned on site).
The seminar has previously been organized by Roland Herzog’s numerical mathematics group at the TU Chemnitz and has now been moved to Heidelberg’s Scientific Computing and Optimization group.
Location and housing
The seminar will again take place at Hotel Gürtl" (" Hotel on google maps) in Haus im Ennstal, Austria. There are several rooming options available and this year’s pricing is as follows:
- 119 € per night and person in a double room including breakfast and dinner,
- 21,50 € surcharge per night for single rooms,
- 3,50 € surcharge per night for “comfort” double rooms (new category, up to availability),
- 12,50 € seminar attendancy fee per day and person (max of 5 days) and
- 2,50 € per night local overnight tax.
- Roland Herzog (Universität Heidelberg)
- Georg Müller (Universität Heidelberg)
- Evelyn Herberg (Universität Heidelberg)
- Leonie Kreis (Universität Heidelberg)
- Arnd Rösch (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
- Nicolai Simon (Universität Hamburg)
- Christine Herter (Universität Hamburg)
- Stefan Ulbrich (TU Darmstadt)
- Elisabeth Diehl (TU Darmstadt)
- Isabel Jacob (TU Darmstadt)
- Marcel Steinhardt (TU Darmstadt)
- Bastian Dittrich (Universität Würzburg)
- Hannes Meinlschmidt (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Jannik Breitkopf (TU Darmstadt)
Winnifried Wollner (Universität Hamburg)
The following program is preliminary. Especially the off-day on Wednesday may be subject to change.
time/day | Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Until 15:00 | Gen. Dicussion | Gen. Dicussion | Gen. Dicussion | Gen. Dicussion | Gen. Dicussion | Gen. Dicussion | |
15:00-16:00 | Rösch - How large is the gap in no-gap second-order optimality conditions? | Steinhardt - A Variational Calculus for Optimal Control of Networks of Scalar Conservation Laws | Herberg - Inexact Second Order Optimization using Randomized Sketching | Gen. Dicussion | Meinlschmidt - Optimal Control for Fokker-Planck Equations via Renormalized Solutions | Herter - Eigenvalue Optimization with Respect to Shape-Variations in Electromagnetic Cavities | |
16:00-17:00 | Herzog - Die SCOOP Template Engine | Ulbrich - Convergence of Discrete Adjoint Schemes for Optimal Boundary Control of Conservation Laws | Kreis - Multilevel Training of Residual Neural Networks | Gen. Dicussion | Diehl - Optimal Control of Multiphase Flow in the Context of Wetting Phenomena | Dittrich - DC Reformulation of Cardinality Constrained Problems in Function Spaces | |
17:00-18:00 | Gen. Dicussion | Müller - Schwarz-Preconditioned Newton for (slightly nonsmooth) Optimal Control of PDEs | Jacob - A Recursive Multilevel Algorithm for Deep Learning | Gen. Dicussion | Simon - Coefficient Control for Obstacle Problems | Gen. Dicussion | |
From 19:00 | Opening and Dinner | Joint Dinner | Joint Dinner | Joint Dinner | Joint Dinner | Joint Dinner | Joint Dinner |
We would like to make the slides corresponding with the talks available to all participants. Please, once you have given your presentation, upload your slide here. You can access all participants talks here (password will be given out at the event).
If you would like to share some of your images with the other participants, feel free to upload them here. You can access all shared pictures here (password will be given out at the event).
Covid 19
You can find the current conditions concerning the Covid-19 situation at the hotel’s website. More information TBA.
Participation and registration
If you are interested in participating in this event, please contact Georg Müller for more information. Also, more information will be announced shortly.