Latest publications

  • Anton Schiela, Roland Herzog and Ronny Bergmann
    Nonlinear Fenchel conjugates, 2024
      AUTHOR = {Schiela, Anton and Herzog, Roland and Bergmann, Ronny},
      DATE = {2024-09},
      EPRINT = {2409.04492},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      TITLE = {Nonlinear Fenchel conjugates},
  • The Riemannian convex bundle method, 2024
      AUTHOR = {Bergmann, Ronny and Herzog, Roland and Jasa, Hajg},
      DATE = {2024-02},
      EPRINT = {2402.13670},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      TITLE = {The Riemannian convex bundle method},
  • Lukas Baumgärtner, Ronny Bergmann, Roland Herzog, Stephan Schmidt and José Vidal-Núñez
    Total generalized variation for piecewise constant functions on triangular meshes with applications in imaging
    SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 16(1), p.313-339, 2023
      AUTHOR = {Baumgärtner, Lukas and Bergmann, Ronny and Herzog, Roland and Schmidt, Stephan and Vidal-Núñez, José},
      PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial \& Applied Mathematics (SIAM)},
      DATE = {2023-02},
      DOI = {10.1137/22m1505281},
      EPRINT = {2206.12331},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      JOURNALTITLE = {SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences},
      NUMBER = {1},
      PAGES = {313--339},
      TITLE = {Total generalized variation for piecewise constant functions on triangular meshes with applications in imaging},
      VOLUME = {16},
  • Ronny Bergmann, Roland Herzog, Julián Ortiz López and Anton Schiela
    First- and second-order analysis for optimization problems with manifold-valued constraints
    Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 195(2), p.596-623, 2022
      AUTHOR = {Bergmann, Ronny and Herzog, Roland and Ortiz López, Julián and Schiela, Anton},
      PUBLISHER = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC},
      DATE = {2022-09},
      DOI = {10.1007/s10957-022-02107-x},
      EPRINT = {2110.04882},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      JOURNALTITLE = {Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications},
      NUMBER = {2},
      PAGES = {596--623},
      TITLE = {First- and second-order analysis for optimization problems with manifold-valued constraints},
      VOLUME = {195},
  • Fenchel duality and a separation theorem on Hadamard manifolds
    SIAM Journal on Optimization 32(2), p.854-873, 2022
      AUTHOR = {Silva Louzeiro, Maurício and Bergmann, Ronny and Herzog, Roland},
      PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial \& Applied Mathematics (SIAM)},
      DATE = {2022-05},
      DOI = {10.1137/21m1400699},
      EPRINT = {2102.11155},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      JOURNALTITLE = {SIAM Journal on Optimization},
      NUMBER = {2},
      PAGES = {854--873},
      TITLE = {Fenchel duality and a separation theorem on Hadamard manifolds},
      VOLUME = {32},
  • Fenchel duality theory and a primal-dual algorithm on Riemannian manifolds
    Foundations of Computational Mathematics 21(6), p.1465-1504, 2021
      AUTHOR = {Bergmann, Ronny and Herzog, Roland and Silva Louzeiro, Maurício and Tenbrinck, Daniel and Vidal-Núñez, José},
      PUBLISHER = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC},
      DATE = {2021-01},
      DOI = {10.1007/s10208-020-09486-5},
      EPRINT = {1908.02022},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      JOURNALTITLE = {Foundations of Computational Mathematics},
      NUMBER = {6},
      PAGES = {1465--1504},
      TITLE = {Fenchel duality theory and a primal-dual algorithm on Riemannian manifolds},
      VOLUME = {21},
  • Lukas Baumgärtner, Ronny Bergmann, Roland Herzog, Stephan Schmidt, José Vidal-Núñez and Manuel Weiß
    Mesh denoising and inpainting using the total variation of the normal and a shape Newton approach, 2020
      AUTHOR = {Baumgärtner, Lukas and Bergmann, Ronny and Herzog, Roland and Schmidt, Stephan and Vidal-Núñez, José and Weiß, Manuel},
      DATE = {2020-12},
      EPRINT = {2012.11748},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      TITLE = {Mesh denoising and inpainting using the total variation of the normal and a shape Newton approach},
  • Ronny Bergmann, Marc Herrmann, Roland Herzog, Stephan Schmidt and José Vidal-Núñez
    Total variation of the normal vector field as shape prior
    Inverse Problems 36(5), 2020
      AUTHOR = {Bergmann, Ronny and Herrmann, Marc and Herzog, Roland and Schmidt, Stephan and Vidal-Núñez, José},
      DATE = {2020},
      DOI = {10.1088/1361-6420/ab6d5b},
      EPRINT = {1902.07240},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      JOURNALTITLE = {Inverse Problems},
      NUMBER = {5},
      PAGES = {054004},
      TITLE = {Total variation of the normal vector field as shape prior},
      VOLUME = {36},