Former Group Member

Last Publications

  • First and second order shape optimization based on restricted mesh deformations
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42(2), p.A1200-A1225, 2020
      AUTHOR = {Etling, Tommy and Herzog, Roland and Loayza, Estefanía and Wachsmuth, Gerd},
      PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)},
      DATE = {2020-01},
      DOI = {10.1137/19m1241465},
      EPRINT = {1810.10313},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      JOURNALTITLE = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
      NUMBER = {2},
      PAGES = {A1200--A1225},
      TITLE = {First and second order shape optimization based on restricted mesh deformations},
      VOLUME = {42},
  • Tommy Etling, Roland Herzog and Martin Siebenborn
    Optimum experimental design for interface identification problems
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41(6), p.A3498-A3523, 2019
      AUTHOR = {Etling, Tommy and Herzog, Roland and Siebenborn, Martin},
      DATE = {2019},
      DOI = {10.1137/18M1208125},
      EPRINT = {1808.05776},
      EPRINTTYPE = {arXiv},
      JOURNALTITLE = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
      NUMBER = {6},
      PAGES = {A3498--A3523},
      TITLE = {Optimum experimental design for interface identification problems},
      VOLUME = {41},
  • Optimum experimental design by shape optimization of specimens in linear elasticity
    SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 78(3), p.1553-1576, 2018
      AUTHOR = {Etling, Tommy and Herzog, Roland},
      DATE = {2018},
      DOI = {10.1137/17M1147743},
      JOURNALTITLE = {SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics},
      NUMBER = {3},
      PAGES = {1553--1576},
      TITLE = {Optimum experimental design by shape optimization of specimens in linear elasticity},
      VOLUME = {78},
  • Optimal experimental design for heat transfer experiments
    Oberwolfach Reports 10(4), p.256-257, 2013
      AUTHOR = {Herzog, Roland and Etling, Tommy},
      EDITOR = {Heinkenschloss, Matthias and Schulz, Volker},
      PUBLISHER = {European Mathematical Society Publishing House},
      BOOKTITLE = {Workshop: Numerical Methods for PDE Constrained Optimization with Uncertain Data},
      DATE = {2013},
      DOI = {10.4171/owr/2013/04},
      JOURNALTITLE = {Oberwolfach Reports},
      NUMBER = {4},
      PAGES = {256--257},
      TITLE = {Optimal experimental design for heat transfer experiments},
      VOLUME = {10},