Model Predictive Parameter and State Estimation and Optimal Sensor Placement
Start: 2015-07-01 End: 2019-06-30 Principal Investigators: Roland Herzog Staff: Ilka Riedel
Funded by:
within the
Collaborative Research Center funding scheme
Part of: Thermo-Energetic Design of Machine Tools
(SFB Transregio 96)
Project Description
In this subproject we consider the online and self-calibrating identification of relevant parameters in transient thermo-elastic FE models.
These parameters can include, for instance, heat transfer coefficients as well as heat inputs due to the machining process and electrical drives.
Their knowledge is of paramount importance in particular for the subprojects developing online correction strategies.
We will develop model-predictive parameter and state estimation schemes, which are using a moving time horizon to adapt the estimated parameters and state to measured temperature (or, when available, displacement) data.
These techniques will be developed under the specific operating conditions of machine tools, i.e., having available only a limited number of measurements, high dimensional thermo-elastic FE models, and they will take into account the pose dependence.
Parameter models developed in other subprojects will serve as so-called background information and stabilize the estimation process.
Initial experiments are showing this procedure to be very robust and capable of reconstructing time-dependent changes in heat transfer coefficients by means of only a few temperature measurements.
In actual machine geometries, it will be important to place the temperature sensors intelligently, and we will further develop our optimal sensor placement techniques in order to make best use of the available sensors also in these nonlinear identification settings.
AUTHOR = {Benner, Peter and Herzog, Roland and Lang, Norman and Riedel, Ilka and Saak, Jens},
DATE = {2019},
DOI = {10.1080/0305215X.2018.1469133},
JOURNALTITLE = {Engineering Optimization},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {465--483},
TITLE = {Comparison of model order reduction methods for optimal sensor placement for thermo-elastic models},
VOLUME = {51},
AUTHOR = {Benner, Peter and Herzog, Roland and Lang, Norman and Riedel, Ilka and Saak, Jens},
PUBLISHER = {Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten},
URL = {},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Thermal Issues in Machine Tools},
DATE = {2018},
PAGES = {355--365},
TITLE = {Optimal sensor placement based on model order reduction},
AUTHOR = {Herzog, Roland and Riedel, Ilka and Uciński, Dariusz},
DATE = {2018},
DOI = {10.1007/s11081-018-9391-8},
JOURNALTITLE = {Optimization and Engineering},
NUMBER = {3},
PAGES = {591--627},
TITLE = {Optimal sensor placement for joint parameter and state estimation problems in large-scale dynamical systems with applications to thermo-mechanics},
VOLUME = {19},
Optimale Sensorplatzierung und Online-Zustands- und Parameter-Identifikation
Proceedings of the 5th Colloquium of SFB/Transregio 96, 2017
AUTHOR = {Herzog, Roland and Riedel, Ilka},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 5th Colloquium of SFB/Transregio 96},
DATE = {2017},
TITLE = {Optimale Sensorplatzierung und Online-Zustands- und Parameter-Identifikation},
Parameteridentifikation in thermo-elastischen Systemen
Proceedings of the 4th Colloquium of SFB/Transregio 96, p.55-82, 2016
AUTHOR = {Herzog, Roland and Riedel, Ilka and Kauschinger, Bernd and Schroeder, Steffen},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th Colloquium of SFB/Transregio 96},
DATE = {2016},
PAGES = {55--82},
TITLE = {Parameteridentifikation in thermo-elastischen Systemen},
Saber Jalilzadeh-Galaeh
Identifikation der Topologie eines Wärmenetzwerkes (ein Vergleich zwischen kontinuierlichen und diskreten Optimierungstechniken)
mathesis, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany, 2016
AUTHOR = {Jalilzadeh-Galaeh, Saber},
INSTITUTION = {Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany},
DATE = {2016},
TITLE = {Identifikation der Topologie eines Wärmenetzwerkes (ein Vergleich zwischen kontinuierlichen und diskreten Optimierungstechniken)},
TYPE = {mathesis},
Luca Landwehrjohann
Verfahren zur optimalen Platzierung von Messpunkten zur Parameteridentifikation in zeitabhängigen Systemen
bathesis, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany, 2016
AUTHOR = {Landwehrjohann, Luca},
INSTITUTION = {Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany},
DATE = {2016},
TITLE = {Verfahren zur optimalen Platzierung von Messpunkten zur Parameteridentifikation in zeitabhängigen Systemen},
TYPE = {bathesis},
Hussain Obaid
Identifikationsaufgaben auf Wärmenetzwerken
mathesis, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany, 2016
AUTHOR = {Obaid, Hussain},
INSTITUTION = {Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany},
DATE = {2016},
TITLE = {Identifikationsaufgaben auf Wärmenetzwerken},
TYPE = {mathesis},